232 W. Colorado Ave, Telluride, CO | +1-970-729-1577
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Mountainfilm is a documentary film festival that showcases nonfiction stories about environmental, cultural, climbing, political and social justice issues that matter. Along with exceptional documentaries, the festival goes beyond the film medium by bringing together world-class athletes, change makers and visionary artists for a multi-dimensional celebration of indomitable spirit, aiming to inspire audiences to create a better world. The 2024 Mountainfilm Festival will be held May 23-27 and passes and lodging are on sale now. 


May 23 - 27, 2024

Telluride Festivals & Events

Telluride Film Festival

Telluride Film Festival

Each Labor Day weekend, the tiny mountain village of Telluride, Colorado triples in size. Swells of passionate film enthusiasts flood the town for four days of total cinematic immersion, embarking on a viewing odyssey, blissfully spending entire days in flickering...

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Telluride Plein Air

Telluride Plein Air

The Telluride Plein Air Festival is an essential fundraiser for the Sheridan Arts Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization created to restore and preserve the Sheridan Opera House while bringing quality arts and entertainment to the town of Telluride. Forty...

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Telluride Horror Show

Telluride Horror Show

The 14th annual Telluride Horror Show, the first and largest horror film festival in Colorado, will be held from October 13-15, 2023, showcasing the latest and best genre films from around the world. Horror fans from across the country gather at the world-famous...

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