Telluride Homes & Property Market Analysis
2024 Q1 Telluride Real Estate Market Report: Demand Remains Strong
Reflecting on the first quarter of 2024, the Town of Mountain Village remains at the forefront of buyers looking for value, with $97 million in sales compared to $66 million in the Town of Telluride. A large part of the quarter’s success was due to the sale of six Single-Family Homes in both the the Town of Telluride ($33.56M) and the Town of Mountain Village ($55.45M).
The price per square foot for Condominiums ($1,201) and Single-Family Homes ($1,629) in Mountain Village continues to be lower than that of Telluride, where Condos are $2,029 per sq. ft. and Single-Family Homes $1,824 per sq. ft. The lack of inventory is encouraging the trend of buyers exploring options outside town limits, while the low supply and consistent demand has successfully upheld property values.